Power Management System


Auxiliary power for Radian Hybrid Flash SSDs and NVRAM accelerators is provided by on-board ultracapacitors, overprovisioned to further ensure data protection in the event of a power failure and to minimize replacement maintenance.  While superior to lithium-ion batteries in most respects, including maintaining charge levels, safety, environmental regulatory compliance, and durability, like batteries ultracapacitors will degrade over time where charge capacitance diminishes.

Radian’s DuraLife power management system addresses ultracapacitor degradation by combining several techniques with mechanisms to significantly extend the useable life of ultracapacitors.  This includes techniques such as dynamic voltage margining which works in concert with the DiaLog™ monitoring system that provides information on applicable ultracapacitor variables such as temperature, and the number, frequency and duration of charge cycles.








While it varies by product, DuraLife typically more than doubles the raw ultracapacitor life expectancy.  Assuming a required capacitance of 50% of initial maximum charge, below which Radian recommends capacitor replacement, DuraLife can extend the ultracapacitors replacement threshold from 3 years to over 6 years.  This technology thus enables increasing system reliability and the useable product life cycle, reducing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).